GOSVAMI RANJANBEN, a 41-year-old housewife from the state of Gujarat lives along with her husband and 2 children. They have a family catering business where she is required to wake up early in the morning and start with the preparations along with her daily chores and family needs.

The place where she lives had only one common well from where the entire village draws water for their household purposes. Most of the families had no access to clean water facility as they had no funds to set it up in their houses. She had to cover a long distance in order to reach the well. It used to be very difficult for Goswami to stand in queue for long time in order to draw water from the well. It was mentally as well as physically exhausting for women like Goswami who had to manage both occupation and household duties.

 As she is our existing customer for  IGL loans we provide, one day she came to know about WASH loan facility provided from our end. She was highly elated after knowing about WASH loan facility and immediately applied for it without giving it a second thought.

The very next day she received the loan amount in her account as there is a provision for hassle-free technology of E-Signing for loan disbursements where all formalities get completed in one step. She contacted the contractor and got the complete setup for Water Connections in her house.

In Goswami’s Words “Water Connection facility has proved to be a miracle for us as the access is available for various purposes. For e.g., cooking, cleaning, washing etc. This saves a lot of time and we I need not stand in queue in order to fetch water. My family members and I are very happy about it.
