Cities Under The Ambit Of FINILOOP

Jaipur, Udaipur and Amritsar

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FINILOOP “Financial Inclusion of Improved Livelihoods Out of Plastics”, is a city-level plastic waste management program which connects and strengthens actors along the entire waste value and service chain to ensure cleaner environments for all and a more inclusive and transparent circular plastic economy.

 This is made possible by working together with local partners to help strengthen and scale local enterprises and start-ups, create safer and more dignified job opportunities for informal waste workers, empower communities and attract additional funds into the waste value chain.  The FINILOOP program rests on four core pillars:  

Creating connection

At the heart of FINILOOP is a multi-stakeholder approach. We do not create new infrastructure but instead identify, assemble and harmonise all the existing stakeholders within a city’s waste management system to increase effectiveness and ensure sustainability.  

Strengthening businesses

To boost local circular economies, drive innovation and address gaps in the plastic waste management system we strengthen existing plastic waste enterprises, and through the creation of the FINILOOP Plastic Lab provide mentorship to start-ups, who are catalysing solutions to plastic waste.   

Building livelihoods

Informal waste workers (IWWs) play a key role in plastic waste management, yet they are undervalued, struggle to earn a decent living and face dangerous working conditions. We are changing this by building trust with the IWW community, improving working conditions, and providing skills training and access to vital services, such as healthcare.  

Empowering communities

We believe long lasting, locally relevant change begins with the community, which is why we conduct awareness raising about the impact of plastic waste and promote household level segregation. To complement this, we empower local community groups to help drive behaviour change and reduce plastic pollution.  

The FINILOOP program is currently active in three cities in India including: Udaipur, Amritsar and Jaipur. This program is running from 2022-2025 and is being supported by the IKEA Foundation.

FINILOOP’s objectives are to:

  • Enhance solid waste & plastic waste management
  • Improve the livelihoods of informal waste workers.
  • Professionalize and scale the plastic waste management sector
  • Create cleaner communities through awareness raising and behaviour change.   

Ultimately, by 2025 FINILOOP envisions improving the livelihoods of 1,500 informal waste workers, establishing 72 innovative plastic waste start-ups and enterprises, and preventing 4,500 tons of plastic waste from polluting the environment.


WASTE, is an international NGO, specializing in sanitation, solid waste management, and innovative financing in low- and middle-income countries.

Trust Of People focuses on improving access to essential services through a human-centric, rights-based approach.

AspireLabs is a consulting firm specializing in startup acceleration, particularly clean-tech plastic recycling, waste management, and renewables.

